Organizujemy kursy dotyczące diagnostyki i terapii pacjentów w ramach Akademii Terapii Manualnej i Igłoterapii Suchej

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Changes in pain and widespread PPT in acute neck neck after TrP DNChanges in pain and widespread PPT in acute neck neck after TrP DNPobierz dokument
Dry needling for thoracic painDry needling for thoracic painPobierz dokument
Manual therapy vs. surgery for CTSManual therapy vs. surgery for CTSPobierz dokument
TrP DN in shoulder surgeryTrP DN in shoulder surgeryPobierz dokument
Anatomical association of DN in lateral pterigoidAnatomical association of DN in lateral pterigoidPobierz dokument
Thoracic manipulation vs-mob in neck painThoracic manipulation vs-mob in neck painPobierz dokument
TrP DN for spasticity and PPT in strokeTrP DN for spasticity and PPT in strokePobierz dokument
TrP DN plus education in low back painTrP DN plus education in low back painPobierz dokument
Therapeutic options for CeHTherapeutic options for CeHPobierz dokument
Evid Based Complement Alternat Med| TrP DN vs. propioception in ankle instabilityEvid Based Complement Alternat Med TrP DN vs. propioception in ankle instabilityPobierz dokument
TrPs a peripheral or central phenonmenonTrPs a peripheral or central phenonmenonPobierz dokument
Current Pain Headache Report | Myofascial Head PainCurrent Pain Headache Report Myofascial Head PainPobierz dokument
TrPs and PPT in post meniscetomy painTrPs and PPT in post meniscetomy painPobierz dokument
Meta analysis prevalence of TrPs in spinal disordersMeta analysis prevalence of TrPs in spinal disordersPobierz dokument
Manual Manipulative Therapy | Clinical-reasoning manual therapy for TTH and CeHManual Manipulative Therapy Clinical-reasoning manual therapy for TTH and CeHPobierz dokument